Here are some photos from my first fair I've been selling at in Cornwall! The fair, called Handmade has been organised by crafty gal Lucy Tutte with her textile business, Lulubee- I joined for the 3rd fair they've run in an quaint old building called the Poly in the centre of Falmouth town centre.
If you've been reading my blog you'll recognise my Tea collection in the photo below- complete with hand-painted mugs and teapots as well as tea towels and plates.
It was also a lovely chance to meet other local sellers and hand-crafty folk including Bee Diss who bakes delicious cakes for her business, The Honey Bee Bakery and textile artist, Penny Buckingham aka Cotton Cottage who makes retro animal decorations and bunting and has designed a quirky alternative to the traditional hobby horses- Dress Up Ponies!
There were lots of other great sellers as well that made the day a pleasure to be at-unfotunately my camera didn't manage to make it out as much as I hoped!
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